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My Buildup

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I'd had issues with my CB a while back, and unplugged it. Bells CB handled my CB repair, modifications / upgrades.
Bells CB Upgrade
CB back in place, fully functional again, with the new noise canceling mic.
Cobra 29 LX CB
Since I installed my LED tail lights a long time ago, they've kind of been in the way of putting fuel in the Jeep. Which is what prompted me to finally try something different. These weren't my first pick for style, but they are still submersible, and only 1.25" thick.
Low Profile LED Taillights
Most importantly I can now fill the Jeep up without issue. Also in this picture, the CB antenna is mounted again, and tuned.
Low Profile LED Brake Light
While working on the Jeep recently I noticed my gas tank skid plate had some holes rusting in it. I picked up a Warn skid plate, new gas tank straps, and a new gas tank mat. The gas tank skid plate comes powder coated. However as an extra layer of protection, I coated everything in Rustoluem as well.
YJ Warn Gas Tank Skid
With the gas tank out it was a good chance to paint everything underneath. Even though Warn's instructions say you can get the skid plate out without removing the exhaust, I've removed the exhaust every time. There is no reason to fight around it. This time I finally decided to add a flange back there to make this easier.
Replace Wrangler Gas Tank Skid
I ended up adding a mount to the tail pipe using sway bar link that goes to the frame cross member.
Jeep Tail Pipe Repair
The Warn skid plate fit perfect. Also finishing up the final position of the tail pipe in this picture.
Replace Jeep Gas Tank Skid
The cooling system needed some attention, so it was a chance to upgrade:
YJ Griffin Radiator Dual Row
Also upgraded the power steering cooler. Made some custom mounts this time mounted to the grille:
YJ Power Steering Cooler
Radiator Installed:
YJ Griffin Radiator Installed
Reorganized some of my wiring that was scattered all over the Jeep, and brought all the relays and fuses under the hood:
YJ Custom Relay Box
Part of the electrical clean up was also a new custom switch panel. I did make a metal backing plate for this:
Jeep Custom Switch Panel
Switch panel installed:
YJ Custom Switch Panel
Swapped my dome lights to some LED lights:
Jeep LED Dome Light
Replaced the Jeep's CB. I liked my Cobra 29LX, but I wanted a radio that also supported a PA. Picked up a 980SSB (Thanks to Bells CB again):
Jeep Uniden 980SSB CB
Added an external speaker, as you can imagine, the built in one was hard to hear, especially with the top off:
Jeep External CB Speaker

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